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Welcome to the RodosWeek website!


Rodos Week is a week-long free stay initiative, aimed to provide financial assistance to individuals, regardless of nationality, who stayed in hotels that were evacuated during the wildfires on Rhodes island in July 2023.

Legislative framework and documents:

User manuals


 Announcement to Registered Beneficiaries of the Rodos Week Registry – 2nd Period








1. What is Rodos Week;

Rodos Week is a program that provides financial support to individuals, regardless of nationality, who stayed in hotels that were evacuated during the wildfires on Rhodes Island in July 2023 (Ministerial Decision B’/1398/01/03/2024).


2. Who can benefit from the program?

Beneficiaries can be all adult individuals, regardless of nationality, who were staying in hotels evacuated during the wildfires on the island of Rhodes in July 2023.


3. How can I enroll in the program as a beneficiary?

In order to ensure your participation in the program as a beneficiary, you need to register in the Registry of Beneficiaries (Question 4) and submit an application to take part in the program implementation (Question 6).


4. How is the Beneficiary Registry compiled?

The evacuated hotels, as well as the Travel Agencies/Tour Operators, enter the program's web platform to register the beneficiaries' details and certify their stay at the evacuated hotels due to the wildfires on Rhodes island in July 2023. In this way, the temporary list of beneficiaries is created. 

After verification conducted by the Ministry of Tourism, the Register of Beneficiaries is compiled. Then, an email invitation for registration on the application is sent to the registered individuals, to the email address provided by them in the Register of Beneficiaries.


5. How can I enroll in the Beneficiary Registry if I am not included?

Individuals who were not included in the Registry of Beneficiaries by the evacuated hotels and/or Travel Agencies/Tour Operators have the opportunity to submit an application with the necessary information through the program's web platform.

Specifically, each individual will need to provide the following details for the account creation:

  • Full name of the beneficiary for whom the reservation was made,
  • Email address,
  • Mobile phone number,
  • Type and number of identification document (passport or identity card).

Additionally, they should declare the hotel where they stayed during the critical period, the room type, the method and reservation number, and the duration of the reservation. They also have the option to declare the Travel Agency or Tour Operator that may have managed their reservation.

Afterwards, the evacuated hotels and Travel Agencies/Travel Agents verify that these individuals stayed in hotels on Rhodes that were evacuated due to the wildfires in July 2023. This process leads to the creation of the supplementary Beneficiary List.

Following an inspection conducted by the Ministry of Tourism, the Registry of Beneficiaries is revised and completely updated. All new beneficiaries who have been added, receive an invitation to register in the application sent to their provided email address.


6. How can I apply for the issuance of the e-voucher?

After the compilation of the Beneficiary Registry, a hyperlink will be sent to all beneficiaries via email, allowing them to submit a participation application through the program's web platform.

After being registered in the Register of Beneficiaries (Question 4), all beneficiaries will receive a unique hyperlink via their email to submit their application for participation in the program's implementation.
Beneficiaries need to:

  • declare responsibly that they were residing in a hotel that was evacuated during the forest wildfires on the island of Rhodes in July 2023.
  • declare responsibly that their information is true and accurate.
  • confirm or update their contact information (mobile phone, email address), specifically certifying their email.
  • declare the seven (7) consecutive days they intend to stay within the eligible accommodation period.
  • select, from the available hotels at that specific time, accommodation of a similar category and room type.
  • input the unique booking number provided by the hotel establishment.
  • It should be noted that the beneficiary-receiver of the e-voucher must communicate with the hotel establishment to confirm room availability with any additional desired features.

Please note that the beneficiary must contact the hotel establishment to confirm the availability of a room with any additional features they desire.


7. What is the financial support I will receive as a beneficiary?

Beneficiaries are granted a one-time, week-long free stay (7 days) in a hotel of similar category (star rating) and room type to the one they stayed in during the fires. The specific financial support is provided as a travel voucher (e-voucher), including a monetary value equal to what the beneficiary is entitled to, as described below.

Specifically, the compensation amounts of the hotels, for the free of charge accommodation of 7 (seven) days of the beneficiaries, are defined as follows:

  • for hotels with 1, 2, or 3 stars and up to triple room type: €300 for the entire stay,
  • for hotels with 1, 2, or 3 stars and above triple room type: €400 for the entire stay,
  • for hotels with 4 or 5 stars and up to triple room type: €400 for the entire stay,
  • for hotels with 4 or 5 stars and above triple room type: €500 for the entire stay.


8. How do I redeem the e-voucher?

The beneficiary of the e-voucher will have to contact the hotel to confirm the availability of the room with any additional features they desire. Then, he will have to enter the unique reservation number that will be communicated to him by the hotel company.

When the beneficiary arrives at the hotel, the e-voucher is validated through the application, and the beneficiary's details are confirmed by the hotel's establishment. Successful validation of the e-voucher additionally requires the input of a one-time-password (OTP) sent to the beneficiary's email.


9. When can I redeem the e-voucher?

Two time periods are defined during which beneficiaries can redeem the e-voucher: 

  • 1st Period – Spring, from 10/04/2024 to 31/05/2024
  • 2nd Period – Autumn, from 01/10/2024 to 15/11/2024

The beneficiary is entitled to use the e-voucher only during one of the two periods mentioned above. 


10. Is it possible to assign my e-voucher to another person?

No. Assigning the e-voucher to another person is not allowed. The e-voucher is personalized and issued specifically in the name of the beneficiary, and therefore cannot be transferred to a third party.


11. I was staying in an AirBnb rental accommodation during the wildfires in Rhodes. Am I considered a beneficiary?

No. Beneficiaries are only those who stayed in hotels that were evacuated during the wildfires on Rhodes island in July 2023.


12. Can I cancel my reservation?

During the application period, you can cancel your application and submit a new one. However, you cannot submit a second application for additional accommodation. 

After the application period ends, you cannot cancel and submit a new application.



13. Where can I ask questions or get more information about the program or the web platform?

For any further questions or assistance, please submit your query via the online form or contact the Rodos Week Helpdesk by telephone at +30 215 215 7822

(Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 09:00 - 17:00).




1. How can I register as an evacuated hotel?

After an announcement by the Minister of Tourism, which is published on the website of the Ministry of Tourism www.mintour.gov.gr , a list is compiled with the details of hotels that were evacuated due to the wildfires on Rhodes island in July 2023.

Subsequently, a hyperlink is sent to the declared email address of the hotel businesses, so that their Legal Representative can proceed with registration, account creation, and sign and upload the participation application.


2. What information should I enter in the application as a vacated hotel to create an account?

To create an account, hotel businesses data will need to be entered:

  • Company’s details (Tax Identification/VAT number, Legal Name, full postal address, star category)
  • The registration number,
  • Full name of the Company’s Legal Representative, as well as type and number of his/her identification document (passport or ID),
  • Contact details of the hotel's contact person (name, surname, telephone number).

After completing the entry of information into the fields referenced above, to ensure the hotel’s participation in the program, a participation application form must be printed, signed and uploaded to the program’s web platform. 


3. How can I register as a Travel agency/ Tour Operator?

Following an announcement by the Minister of Tourism, published on the website of the Ministry of Tourism www.mintour.gov.gr , a list is compiled with the details of travel agencies or travel agents who managed the accommodation of a number of beneficiaries in hotels evacuated due to the wildfires on Rhodes island in July 2023.

Subsequently, a hyperlink is sent to the email provided by the Travel Agencies or Tour Operators, so that their Legal Representative can proceed with registration, account creation, and sign and upload the participation application.


4. What information do I need to enter into the platform as a travel agency/tour operator to create an account?

To create an account, Travel Agencies/ Tour Operators will need to enter:

  • Company’s details (Tax Identification/VAT Number, Legal Name, full postal address
  • Full name of the Company’s Legal Representative, as well as type and number of his/her identification document (passport or ID),
  • Contact details of the company’s contact person (name, surname, telephone number).

After completing the entry of information into the fields referenced above, to ensure the company’s participation in the program, a participation application form must printed, signed and uploaded to the program’s web platform.


5. Which details of the beneficiaries should the evacuated hotels and travel agencies/tour operators enter in the application’s web platform?

The vacated hotels and Travel Agencies/Tour Operators, once certified by the Ministry of Tourism based on the applications submitted through the program's web platform, now belong to the respective Registry (Registry of Vacated Hotels and Registry of Travel Agencies/Tour Operators).

Registered in the above-mentioned Registries, they re-enter the platform to record the details of the beneficiaries and certify their accommodation in the specific hotels that were evacuated due to the forest fires on the island of Rhodes in July 2023.

For each beneficiary, the following required identification fields are completed in order to enable their registration in the application program’s web platform:

  • Beneficiary Name and Surname (for whom the reservation was made)
  • Beneficiary email address and mobile number
  • Beneficiary ID Document Type and Number, as well as the required details regarding the beneficiaries' accommodation during the wildfires:
  • Tax Identification Number and distinctive title of the vacated hotel, where they were accommodated
  • Reservation method and number
  • Number and type of rooms,

so that they can be taken into consideration upon approval of their applications for financial assistance.


You can download the template file for the beneficiaries' data registration here 


6. Where can I ask questions or get more information about the program or the web platform?

For any further questions or assistance, please submit your query via the online form or contact the Rodos Week Helpdesk by telephone at +30 215 215 7822

(Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 09:00 - 17:00).




1. Is it possible for my business to participate in the program as an accommodation hotel, if it wasn't among the evacuated ones?

All hospitality enterprises operating on Rhodes island, not just the evacuated hotels, can register in Rodos Week program as Hospitality Enterprises. It is prerequisite for registration in the Hospitality Enterprises Registry that the hotel business is legally operational upon application submission.

Further guidance will be provided through public announcement by the Ministry of Tourism website (www.mintour.gov.gr), as well as in the program's application.


2. How can I register for the program as an accommodation hotel?

Following an announcement by the Ministry of Tourism, published on the Ministry’s website www.mintour.gov.gr, hotel businesses operating on the island of Rhodes are invited to submit a participation application.

To submit the application, prior authentication (verification of the identity) of hotel enterprises is required using the codes - credentials of the General Secretariat of Information Systems and Digital Governance of the Ministry of Digital Governance (taxisnet).

So, the company's information, full postal address, and company's activity details are retrieved. Afterward, the hotels will need to collect and submit the required documentation and input the following information:

  • enterprise’s details (Legal Name, full postal address, star category, the registration number, website)
  • enterprise’s contact phone number and email of the company, bank account number)
  • contact details of the enterprise’s contact person (name, surname, telephone number).

After evaluating the above applications, the Ministry of Tourism website (www.mintour.gov.gr) publishes the Temporary List of Hospitality Enterprises.


3. Can I file an objection in case I submitted a participation application form, but not included in the Provisional List of Accommodation Hotels?

Hotel businesses that have applied for participation but were not included in the Temporary List of Hospitality Enterprises have the right to submit objection against the temporary List of Hospitality Enterprises within an exclusive period of four (4) days from the day following its publication, through the program's web platform.

After the examination of the objections of the hotel businesses, the Final List of Hospitality Enterprises is issued, which is published on the website of the Ministry of Tourism www.mintour.gov.gr and on the program's web platform.


4. I have an Airbnb accommodation available for rent in Rhodes. Can I be part of the program’s Accomondation Hotels Registry? 

No. Only hotel enterprises legally operating on Rhodes island at the time of application submission, are eligible to register and join the Registry of Hospitality Enterprises of the initiative.


5. What are the compensation amounts for accomondation hotels?

The compensation amounts for accomondation hotels, for the free 7-day accommodation of beneficiaries, are defined as follows:

  • For 1, 2, 3-star hotels and up to triple room type, €300 for the entire stay,
  • For 1, 2, 3-star hotels and above triple room type, €400 for the entire stay,
  • For 4 & 5-star hotels and up to triple room type, €400 for the entire stay,
  • For 4 & 5-star hotels and above triple room type, €500 for the entire stay.

This financial support is provided as a travel voucher (e-voucher),  including a monetary value equal to what the beneficiary is entitled to, as described above.


6. How do I redeem the e-voucher?

The e-voucher, issued through the program's web platform, has a unique number and provides details about the beneficiary, the selected accommodation, room type, as well as the duration of the beneficiary's stay.

Upon the beneficiary's arrival at the hotel, their e-voucher is redeemed and their details are confirmed by the hotel establishment. Successful redemption of the e-voucher requires the additional input of a one-time password (OTP) sent to the beneficiary's email.

  • a contract between the beneficiary of the e-voucher and the Hospitality Enterprise, signed by both parties, which is printed by the accommodating hotel through the program's web platform.
  • a service provision receipt is issued for the full duration of stay under the beneficiary e-voucher's details.


7. I am the owner of the accommodation hotel. How will the e-voucher be credited to my business account?

Hospitality Enterprises have the right to submit the necessary documentation for payment through the program's web platform, immediately after the expiration date of each period and up to two months after that date.


8. Where can I ask questions or get more information about the program or the web platform? 

For any further questions or assistance, please submit your query via the online form or contact the Rodos Week Helpdesk by telephone at +30 215 215 7822
(Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 09:00 - 17:00)